KatGirl Studio Presents the Art-a-thon ChallengeDo you need a kick start in your art creation? Are you not producing the amount of work you’d like too? Then come check out the Art-a-thon Challenge. The Art-a-thon challenges you to produce a piece of art every weekday. Be it sketches, drawings, color studies or finished pieces the Art-a-thon Challenge is a way to practice your skills and get more work completed.
Rules: • Please try to submit a piece of art each weekday to the Art-a-thon. For the purpose of the challange "Holidays" also do not count as weekdays but you can post art on them if you choose.
• You don’t have to write anything to go with your piece but if you do keep it to a short description and/or medium list please.
• Please keep the rating of your pieces teen or lower. You can draw sexy pictures, just make sure it doesn't show things you wouldn't show your mom. If something is inappropriate you may be asked to take it off the blog.
If you want to join please email Kat your email address at Kat@katgirl.net to be added as an author.